The company is not responsible for defective or poor quality products. All products are received from suppliers packaged.

In the event that the delivered products are proven to be defective, you have the right to return the merchandise you purchased from our online store within 10 calendar days, starting from the date of receipt.

Under no circumstances will we accept a return of merchandise that was specially ordered for you.

To return this product you should
– Not damaged and in its original packaging. In case their packaging is opened or damaged, the return is not accepted.
– To be accompanied by all the original documents that accompanied it.

If the delivery was made by courier and the packaging was damaged or damaged, then the courier company is responsible.

If the merchandise sent is different from what you requested, our company bears the cost of returning and shipping the correct merchandise.

If the purchase was made from our stores directly, then the return is made either to our Head office or to the branch.